News Release

Norton County Hospital and City of Logan provide status report on the Logan Medical Clinic

August 15, 2016

LOGAN, Kan. – Efforts are still underway to obtain final approval from the Attorney General’s office of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Logan and the Norton County Hospital regarding the Logan Medical Clinic. By statute, the AG’s office has 90 days to review the submitted agreement, which was presented on June 22, 2016. Every effort is being made to obtain that approval as soon as possible.

In the meantime, Norton County Hospital has tentatively lined up staffing options for the Logan Medical Clinic. A total of four medical doctors and two physician assistants have expressed an interest in seeing patients at the clinic. Tentative plans are for the clinic to be open five days a week. A physician assistant will staff the clinic four days a week, and a doctor will cover the clinic one day a week. Each of the four doctors plans to rotate weekly through the clinic. More details will be provided as soon as they are available.


NOTE: This is a joint news release by the City of Logan and Norton County Hospital.