Lifeline Medical Alert

Norton County Hospital is a provider of the Philips Lifeline Medical Alert System. Lifeline provides a fast and efficient way for seniors or others with medical or mobility issues to quickly access assistance. Just the press of a button contacts Norton County Hospital, where a trained health care provider directs a family member, friend or neighbor to assist the person in need.

Lifeline may not only protect a life; it could preserve a cherished way of life by giving seniors the confidence to continue living in their own homes. A fall, or some other need to call for help, could happen at anytime.

Please call Kelsee Hildebrand or Dan Dole at Norton County Hospital at 785-877-3351 if you have any questions or would like to schedule an installation.


1) How much does the Lifeline service cost?

Effective May 15, 2017 for new subscribers: Norton County Hospital charges a base price of $30 per month for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year monitoring of yourself or loved one. To include Auto Alert, the price is $40. Dual subscribers (two people in the same household with Lifeline) is $45 per month. Dual subscribers with Auto Alert is $50 per month.

2) How is the Lifeline service set up in the home?

A Lifeline installer from the Norton County Hospital will schedule an appointment to install the home unit and test the service. This usually takes less than an hour, as it is relatively easy to set up. The representative would also answer any questions to ensure the subscriber is fully comfortable using the Lifeline service.

3) What if I move?

Simply contact the Norton County Hospital, and your Lifeline will be moved to your new address.

4) How will I learn to use the Lifeline?

Once installed, the installer will carefully explain the system so that everyone understands how it works. If you need help later, a simple press of the button will connect you to a health care provider who has the answers.

5) How far away will the Lifeline button work?

You can be in another room or on a different floor of your home. We'll also test your button's range to see if it works outside on your porch, in your garden or elsewhere on your grounds.

6) How can I be sure the Lifeline system is working?

We encourage you to press your button once a month to ensure that Lifeline is working properly.

7) What if I press my Personal Help button by mistake?

Lifeline is monitored 24 hours a day, so pressing the button by mistake is NEVER going to disturb anyone. Accidental pushes are cheerfully answered and canceled by pressing the reset button on the home unit.

Helpful Links

To understand more about how Lifeline works, visit the Philips Lifeline website.