News Release

Norton County Hospital and City of Logan provide updated status on the Logan Clinic

September 28, 2016

LOGAN, Kan. – Many people have been asking questions about when the Logan Clinic will reopen. The Attorney General’s office received the first Interlocal Agreement between the City of Logan and the Norton County Hospital on June 22, 2016. By statute, the AG’s office has 90 days to review the submitted agreement, which put the original deadline at Sept. 22, 2016. However, based on feedback received by the AG’s office on Aug. 1, a revised Interlocal Agreement was presented to that office on Aug. 26, 2016. We are still awaiting a decision at this time.

While it is hoped that the AG’s office does not take the full 90 days from the date it received the revised Interlocal Agreement to approve or disapprove of that revised Agreement, there is simply no way to guess when the approval process will be completed. Therefore, neither the City of Logan nor Norton County Hospital want to speculate on when the clinic will reopen. Both the City of Logan and Norton County Hospital are committed to pursuing every means possible to expedite the approval process, but there is no feasible way to hurry the AG’s opinion.

The Norton County Hospital and Norton Medical Clinic are available to provide for the health care needs of the residents of Logan during this time of transition and welcome the opportunity to establish those important medical provider-patient relationships. To schedule an appointment to see a medical provider in Norton, please call the Norton Medical Clinic at 785-877-3305.


NOTE: This is a joint news release by the City of Logan and Norton County Hospital.