News Release

Norton County Hospital to end services at Logan Clinic

Oct. 31 will be the last day of operation.

October 20, 2017

LOGAN, Kan. – Norton County Hospital’s Board of Trustees has decided that the hospital will end health care services at Logan Clinic after Oct. 31, 2017. The hospital was in contract to provide health care services through Oct. 31, but due to incurring continued financial losses, the decision was made to discontinue services after the contract period.

Staffing and other details will be worked out over the next few weeks. The hospital’s board and administration feel this was a difficult and unfortunate decision to have to make, but the satellite clinic was operationally unfeasible to continue. Norton County Hospital and Norton Medical Clinic are committed to caring for all patients’ needs. Those patients in Logan are welcome to continue seeing their health care provider by calling Norton Medical Clinic to schedule appointments at 785-877-3305.