News Release

Norton County Hospital provides update on its planned expansion and renovation project

April 13, 2017

NORTON, Kan. – Norton County Hospital has planned an infrastructural expansion and renovation project for more than five years. The planned project, in its final stages, would allow for necessary updates to the hospital’s surgery, physical therapy, chemotherapy, dietary and pharmacy departments.

Most recently, Norton County Hospital planned to break ground on the project in June 2017; however, breaking ground on the project has always been contingent upon final approval of financing and the subsequent approval of the hospital’s Board of Trustees to move forward. All along, hospital administration and the Board of Trustees have worked to make the project come to fruition without raising local taxes, and rather, taking on the entire debt of the construction project.

Norton County Hospital is holding steadfast to this goal of making the project happen without financially burdening local taxpayers. Therefore, the hospital would like to inform the public that due to recent developments, plans for the infrastructural expansion and renovation project have been temporarily delayed until long-term financing can be secured.

The hospital has been working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Rural Development, which would be the main lending source, along with local banks to secure the sources needed to begin this project. Currently, funding is not available through the USDA due to unforeseen circumstances at the federal level.

Ryan Stover, Norton County Hospital’s CEO, said the hospital and USDA are continuing to work closely to secure the funds as soon as they become available to support this important project for the Norton community, county and region. The hospital will send out any updates as soon as they are available and thanks members of the public for their understanding and patience in this matter.

Any questions regarding the project can be answered at a public meeting, hosted at the next meeting of the hospital’s Board of Trustees, April 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Norton County Hospital’s board room.
