Scholarships awarded to students pursuing medical degrees
January 4, 2018
NORTON, Kan. – The Norton Regional Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to support the enhancement of quality health care for the residents of Norton County and surrounding counties, has awarded scholarships to students pursuing advanced degrees in the medical field. The Foundation awarded the scholarships on Jan. 2, 2018, for the students to use to financially support their education this coming Spring 2018 semester.
Recipients include:
- Nicole Henry, awarded a $2,000 scholarship from the Helen Stevenson Memorial Scholarship Fund; Nicole currently works in the Norton County Hospital Laboratory department and is continuing her education to become a medical lab technician.
- Nova Bates, awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Warren and Jean White Nursing Scholarship Fund; Nova currently works in the Nursing department at Norton County Hospital as a LPN and is taking college courses to become a RN.
- Bethanie Christensen, awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the George Jones Nursing Scholarship Fund; Bethanie currently works in the Nursing department at Norton County Hospital as a LPN and is taking college courses to become a RN.
- Kyle McClurg, awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the George Jones Nursing Scholarship Fund and a $1,000 scholarship from the Warren and Jean White Nursing Scholarship Fund; Kyle currently works in the Nursing department at Norton County Hospital as a LPN and is taking college courses to become a RN.
The Norton Regional Health Foundation at Norton County Hospital awards academic scholarships each spring, summer and fall semester to students who are enrolled in college courses, are seeking degrees in the medical field and express interest in working at Norton County Hospital in the future. It is through donor support that these scholarships can be awarded, and the Foundation is grateful to donors for their generous contributions.
For more information about the Norton Regional Health Foundation, visit the Foundation page.