News Release

Norton County Hospital to lead full-scale disaster exercise

June 10, 2019

Norton County Hospital is sponsoring a full-scale and functional disaster exercise on Wednesday, July 10, 2019. This exercise will provide participants with an opportunity to assess capabilities, plans, policies and procedures. It will focus on decision making, coordination and integration with other organizations during an active shooter incident. The expected outcome of the exercise is strengthening interagency coordination and management of victims.

The scenario for the fictional exercise is an active shooter incident at Eisenhower Elementary School. The following agencies and organizations will participate in the exercise:

Again, the incident is not real; however, the response activities during the fictional exercise will be practiced in a manner that is as realistic as possible. The areas where the exercise will take place will be clearly marked. For your safety, and in order to complete the exercise in a realistic environment, the exercise area will not be open to the public. We ask for public patience and support if the exercise disrupts daily routines.

There are simple steps that Americans can take to prepare themselves and their loved ones for emergencies: be informed, make a plan, build a disaster supply kit and get involved through opportunities that support community preparedness. By gathering supplies to meet basic needs, discussing what to do during an emergency with your family in advance, and being aware of the risks and appropriate actions, you will be better prepared for the unexpected and can help better prepare your community and the country. Please visit, or call 1-800-BE-READY to learn more about preparedness activities.

We thank all area residents for their support of this important exercise. For more information on this exercise, please contact Julia Thompson, emergency preparedness coordinator, Norton County Hospital, at 785-877-3351 or
