News Release

Norton County Hospital enhances visitor restrictions effective April 10th

April 10, 2020

NORTON, Kan. – In response to the growing numbers of COVID-19 cases in the state of Kansas, Norton County Hospital and Norton Medical Clinic have enhanced visitor restrictions effective April 10, 2020. Details include:

The decision to enhance the security of the hospital and clinic facilities was made after lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported in counties that are in close proximity to Norton County. To date, there are no positive cases being reported for Norton County, although testing continues with patients who match the symptoms and meet the testing criteria.

It’s important to note that the hospital and clinic are still open and serving patients’ needs, many of which are non-COVID related. Patients should continue to monitor their health and get the care they need. Telehealth appointments are an option, so many patients can stay home while communicating with their provider. Providers are dealing with each patient on an individual basis to determine if he or she needs to be seen physically or if a telehealth appointment is a viable option. Telehealth is also being used as a tool to connect patients with some specialty clinic providers.

At this time, Norton Medical Clinic hours remain the same. Since March 31st, all well-patient appointments have been scheduled in the morning; afternoon appointments are for sick patient visits. Another slight change is that patients are asked to call and schedule a Saturday clinic visit, if possible. Traditionally, Saturday clinics have been for walk-in acute care, but the safest practice at this time is to call ahead before being seen.

More reminders

Norton County Hospital would like to remind the public that COVID-19 is spread by droplets; this is why social distancing – being at least 6 feet apart from others – and proper handwashing continue to be important. Also, stay home as much as you can.

The hospital is accepting donations for some supplies. There is a dropbox outside the Outpatient/Specialty Clinic for these donations. Questions about donations may be directed to Judy Wenzl, RN, at 785-877-3351. The hospital thanks those who have already donated! Needed items include:

  1. Nitrile gloves (non-latex)
  2. Hand sanitizer
  3. Clorox wipes
  4. Home use thermometers
  5. Elastic band (sewing accessory)
  6. Masks – any type (e.g., for construction, painting, etc.); a tutorial for making homemade fabric masks can be found on the Norton County Hospital website or by contacting Judy Wenzl.

The University of Kansas Health System has a COVID-19 Hotline that is available seven days per week from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The hotline number is 877-261-7140 and is designated for anyone who has questions about COVID-19. Patients are asked to call this number if they have COVID-19 questions; however, if patients will be presenting at the Norton County Hospital facility (ER or clinic), they will still need to go through the hospital and clinic protocol and answer questions. If going to Norton County Hospital facilities with respiratory symptoms, please call in advance. The hospital number is 785-877-3351 and clinic number is 785-877-3305.

Keep up-to-date on COVID-19 information from local, state and national sources at
