Norton County Hospital and Clinics have an active surveillance program that includes measures for prevention, early detection, control, education, and investigation of infections and communicable diseases. The program reports health care-acquired infections, antibiotic appropriateness and surveillance for multi-drug organisms to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).
Our goal is to prevent and reduce health care-associated infections through evidence-based infection prevention practices. We implement guidelines and practices based on the recommendations of the following agencies:
All health care providers, in partnership with the medical staff, are responsible for the safety, health, and well-being of all patients, visitors, and staff. We work together continuously to promote safe infection prevention practices; observe all rules, regulations and procedural guidelines; and continually strive to improve the quality of patient care.
In conjunction with Infection Prevention, employee health services provide immunization screenings and administration, tuberculosis testing, annual lab, exposure prevention and treatment, and mandatory annual influenza vaccinations.
Useful link: Staying Updated on Vaccinations
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Hours may vary.)
For more information, contact:
Sara Smith, LPN
Phone: 785-877-3351
Fax: 785-877-2841
National Council for Aging Care: A Guide to the Seasonal Flu for Seniors