Risk Management

The Risk Management program of Norton County Hospital is designed to assure that the standard of care by the staff is maintained at the acceptable level, to reduce the risk of patient injury as a consequence of that care, and to minimize financial loss to the facility.

The risk management program is designed to:

  1. Identify areas of risk in the clinical aspects of patient care and safety;
  2. Identify criteria for screening assess with risk potential regarding clinical aspects of patient care and safety;
  3. Establish the investigative and evaluative process applied to cases with risk potential;
  4. Assure timely intervention in events below standard of practice;
  5. Develop policies and programs to reduce risk in clinical aspects of patient care and safety;
  6. Establish communication between risk management and quality assurance/improvement functions in the facility; and
  7. Report risk management activities to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and other appropriate licensing agencies, as mandated by law.

The governing board duly authorizes the Risk Management Committee and the Medical Staff Executive Committee as the committees responsible for investigating and determining applicable standards of care as required by state risk management laws, KSA 65-4921 et seq. These committees are established for the purposes of compliance with the risk management statutes; to evaluate and improve the quality of health care services and peer review act found at KSA 65-4915(a)(3). All patient services, including those services provided by outside contractors or consultants, shall be periodically reviewed and evaluated by administration in accordance with KAR 28-52-1 (d) RM. The governing board has the final responsibility and authority for the risk management program of Norton County Hospital.

Hours and Contact Information

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

For more information, contact:
Melody DeWitt
Risk Management & Quality Improvement Director
Phone: 785-877-3351
Fax: 785-877-2841
Email: mdewitt@ntcohosp.com